Hello parents and girls,
Last year the blog was created and it I believe has done well for communication and general team info. It is not so good for getting out quick communications like today's snow cancelations and restarts.
I have a proposal for a couple new modes of communication.
1. Twitter - (I heard the gasps from all those over 20, but if it can topple governments maybe it can
work for us)
2. Viber - Free text application.
First Twitter:
We have a twitter account but only about 6 people are signed up. I would like to ask every parent to sign-up and maybe all girls with texting capabilities or e-mail accounts.
There are two ways to get twitter messages:
1. Via E-mail just click the link posted at the top right of our blog and join twitter and follow us.
2. Via Text for those that prefer not to join twitter just do the following:
Write a Text to: 40404
In the message type: follow wiekings
You will get a confirmation text back and you are done.
Second Viber:
Now for a stretch, Viber, this is a free app you can get on I think any smart phones, (Android, Blackberry, iPhone, etc.) Actually my daughters have it there iPods and when they are hooked to wifi we text as a family (not around the dinner table...yet).
Here is the website: http://www.viber.com/
What I like about this is it is very easy to create and add people to text groups and it is very clear who is in the group. The other nice feature is the texts are free even if you pay 20cents a text like my wife's plan it does not count against it.
If everyone that has a smart phone does this and e-mails their smart phone number back to me
at serfdelp@fuse.net I will set up a group for the team so that we have any easy way for anyone to communicate with everyone. Please also let me know if you have any parents that do not have a smart phone then the app will not work. Just always leave Viber running in the background, it will automatically start up when you turn on your phone.
Special Note if you want Viber on an iPod:
As far as getting it to work on an iPod like Sheena does, it takes a little more in that you need to get a free phone number from installing an app called "Pinger". This is pretty cool too because it allows her to make free calls when she connected to wifi. Once you have the phone number for pinger you use that phone number for Viber.
If you made it this far, thank you for hanging with me. Here is one more challenge I would like to through out there for an FB'ing parent, (if you don't know what FB is just go back up to the Twitter explanation and get that done. )
I was thinking it might be great to have a "Fans of WieKings" facebook page that parents and the girls can post on and cheer the team on. I am not sure if any parent would like to create it but I think it is something that could be good for the team.
If there is any parent that would take it on to take it, just comment at the bottom of the blog that you will set it up. Please just use wiekings@gmail.com as the log-on the password can be "soccer" or something easy for everyone to remember. Post that then we all can use it, like it, friend it etc.
Anyway I hope at least we can make twitter work if everyone will sign-up one way or the other or both. Also viber would be a great addition I believe for unrestricted simple text communication.
Coach Eric
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