I wanted to give some updates moving forward.
1. We finished our last practice yesterday. I spent the first 15 minutes of practice going over the things that made last game not the prettiest to watch, and feel that for those that were there, understand what they were doing wrong. Anyway, I tried to give them a "fun day" of practice to finish the season. We played a UK shooting drill the like. We also played a game called "World Cup" that Maria's team played on their "fun day" this week. We had an odd number of players, so i had to team up with a girl each game. I learned a few things. 1. I need a lot of practice, and 2. I should wear cleats because I slipped like crazy, and my gym shoes gave me no protection from Hannah's cleat when she decided to step on my foot, steal the ball from me, and score--man that kid is flipping quick and tenacious. and 3. Even though I told them it was a fun day, they still applied all their skill and soccer knowledge, and they were extremely competitive. MUCH different than fun days in the past where they wanted to slack, versus have fun playing this wonderful game! That was probably the most awesome thing for me--watching these girls play the game hard, with little coaching, for the LOVE of the game!! and 4. (if any parent feels different about this one, please always communicate with me) I felt these girls all really like each other and get along more than any team I've ever seen!
2. I believe all girls need a break. A LOT of soccer was played. 8 league games, two practices a week, plus 8 tournament games. Then, for 3/4ths the team, they had Freshmen and/or JV practice on top of that with all those games. This fall, for most of them, will be the most soccer they have ever (and will ever) most likely play in one season. So, with that said, I do not want to start winter training until January. Then need November and December off. No optional or mandatory practices will be held. They will already have indoor games 1x per week for those that are playing. They are all in peak shape, and I'd hate to see them lose it all, so if they are not playing basketball, or another activity, please try and motivate them to workout/train with weights/resistance training twice a week if possible. Have them think upper body one day and lower the other day. If anyone needs more suggestions or help on this, email me and I can give ideas on what they should be doing on their own.
3. I was just informed yesterday that our first indoor game is THIS SATURDAY at 9:30. We have our last league game Saturday at 12:30 in Dayton. I already emailed Jeremy and told him there is no way we can make this work. The team we play Saturday will most likely be one of the toughest teams we will play in our league. Looking at their record of 3-2-1, and how many goals they have scored against teams that we've played and tied... On paper, it shows that this will be a very very tough game. I don't want the girls playing an indoor game, and then immediately driving to go play our last outdoor game. I will inform you on the reply from Jeremy. So, no matter what, we will not be playing that indoor game Saturday morning.
4. I will be sending out an email after I talk to Heidi for an end of the season get together. Our house is almost complete (still living in basement!), and hopefully within the next few weeks we can make it happen. The girls have had an OUTSTANDING season so far, so I think we need to celebrate that, and give me an opportunity to recognize each one (sort of like an informal banquet...).
Ok, I will see most of you tonight at the TEAM USA game!!!! Dress warm!--- OH YEAH, if the girls want to make signs for their favorite players or whatever, please have them do so! GO TEAM USA!!! I think I am more excited to see this game than the girls :)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Post Game Notes vs Crew
The 2-0 Win is excellent. Any time you play the 2nd team from the Crew Club, you are playing a good, well coached, and well trained team. They were strong, fast, and extremely physical.
No, it was not our best game. But how many times a year ago did we play better than another team, but not get the winning result? This shows how much you girls have grown. This could be the first game we might have gotten outplayed (at least the first half), and gotten the win. This shows GRIT and PERSERVERANCE! I know many coaches that say "this is a funny sport and the best team doesn't always win". In a way I sort of agree with this statement, but the smarter side says "the best team FINDS A WAY TO WIN". And you found that way today! Excellent defense, and true grit in getting fouled in the box Maleah to get a PK for Olivia to score. And Taylor giving the extra effort coming weak side, when everyone thought the play was over, but Tay got in the toe poke catching the goalie off guard!!! Neither were pretty, but they did the job!
The first half can be boiled down to them beating us to the 50/50 balls. They checked harder to the ball, played more physical, shielded better when necessary, went up for way more headballs, etc. They could have been the most physical team I remember playing all season. We worked hard, but 90% effort wasn't going to get it against this team--they were giving 100%, and they all had strong bodies to go with their effort.
We talked about this at half, and you guys came out, especially the first 10 minutes, WAY MORE PHYSICAL than in the first half, and played much stronger. I want you to know this. I saw decent movement off the ball--it really wasn't that bad. I saw you girls looking up and finding the right person for most of the time. But, unfortunately, what I did see were passes that just weren't accurate. We got into the habit of trying to make "lead" passes when passing to feet was the better option. The other team was not giving us much space ANYWHERE on the field, and pressured very high, so these passes that were inaccurate by a foot or two, where enough for the Crew to step in and disrupt our play. The passes simply need to be more to feet! Don't get caught in that "inbetween" where you aren't sure if you want to make a thru pass, or lead pass, or pass to feet. With that type of pressure, it's got to be very direct runs to space, opening up for the ball, being strong to get your defender on your backside to give a better and bigger target, and the pass has to be accurate (I will show you what I mean at practice versus what we kept doing).
Besides that, you worked extremly hard in a game that looked like it was going to end in a Tie; but you stepped it up and scored two goals in the last 10 minutes!! Well done.
Defense--another shutout. Hope, Hunter, Sophie, Delaney, Hannah, and Olivia---well done, again! Only 3 goals given up in 7 games of league play. That is the lowest of all 12 teams!! And only 8 goals in 15 games--wow! If you take away our only loss (3-0), then that is only 5 goals given up in 14 games--UNREAL! Going from a diamond in the past seasons, to this season being the first time playing a flat back 4... you girls have WELL exceeded my expectations. GREAT organization on defense.
I can't question your effort that second half. We were a little "off" our normal game, but you got the win agaist a good team, and are still the only undefeated team in the league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy your week girls. You are all special and I mean that.
Coach Brian
The 2-0 Win is excellent. Any time you play the 2nd team from the Crew Club, you are playing a good, well coached, and well trained team. They were strong, fast, and extremely physical.
No, it was not our best game. But how many times a year ago did we play better than another team, but not get the winning result? This shows how much you girls have grown. This could be the first game we might have gotten outplayed (at least the first half), and gotten the win. This shows GRIT and PERSERVERANCE! I know many coaches that say "this is a funny sport and the best team doesn't always win". In a way I sort of agree with this statement, but the smarter side says "the best team FINDS A WAY TO WIN". And you found that way today! Excellent defense, and true grit in getting fouled in the box Maleah to get a PK for Olivia to score. And Taylor giving the extra effort coming weak side, when everyone thought the play was over, but Tay got in the toe poke catching the goalie off guard!!! Neither were pretty, but they did the job!
The first half can be boiled down to them beating us to the 50/50 balls. They checked harder to the ball, played more physical, shielded better when necessary, went up for way more headballs, etc. They could have been the most physical team I remember playing all season. We worked hard, but 90% effort wasn't going to get it against this team--they were giving 100%, and they all had strong bodies to go with their effort.
We talked about this at half, and you guys came out, especially the first 10 minutes, WAY MORE PHYSICAL than in the first half, and played much stronger. I want you to know this. I saw decent movement off the ball--it really wasn't that bad. I saw you girls looking up and finding the right person for most of the time. But, unfortunately, what I did see were passes that just weren't accurate. We got into the habit of trying to make "lead" passes when passing to feet was the better option. The other team was not giving us much space ANYWHERE on the field, and pressured very high, so these passes that were inaccurate by a foot or two, where enough for the Crew to step in and disrupt our play. The passes simply need to be more to feet! Don't get caught in that "inbetween" where you aren't sure if you want to make a thru pass, or lead pass, or pass to feet. With that type of pressure, it's got to be very direct runs to space, opening up for the ball, being strong to get your defender on your backside to give a better and bigger target, and the pass has to be accurate (I will show you what I mean at practice versus what we kept doing).
Besides that, you worked extremly hard in a game that looked like it was going to end in a Tie; but you stepped it up and scored two goals in the last 10 minutes!! Well done.
Defense--another shutout. Hope, Hunter, Sophie, Delaney, Hannah, and Olivia---well done, again! Only 3 goals given up in 7 games of league play. That is the lowest of all 12 teams!! And only 8 goals in 15 games--wow! If you take away our only loss (3-0), then that is only 5 goals given up in 14 games--UNREAL! Going from a diamond in the past seasons, to this season being the first time playing a flat back 4... you girls have WELL exceeded my expectations. GREAT organization on defense.
I can't question your effort that second half. We were a little "off" our normal game, but you got the win agaist a good team, and are still the only undefeated team in the league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy your week girls. You are all special and I mean that.
Coach Brian
Friday, October 25, 2013
Good Morning,
Big week for the team!
Tonight – UC Women’s Game
If you were planning on going to the game please go to the
ticket window to claim your tickets. They are in Lisa Ahlbrand’s Name. Please
pay her back for your tickets as she has already paid for them.
Practice tomorrow at 10:00
Sunday Game at 2:15 – Wear red bring white. Please be at the
field by 1:30. Ankeney Field in Beavercreek. Please be prepared to play – eat right
the night before and get lots of rest, we are defending an undefeated season!
Tuesday – Final fall practice.
Wednesday 10/30 US Women’s game – I have the tickets. Please
see me Sunday and I will give them to you. I would like to give them to a
parent so they don’t get lost in a players bag. I have a few parents that still
need to pay. Please bring the $$ with you on Sunday and pay me when I give you
the tickets.
The game starts at 7:30, my plan is to leave Boone County
about 3:00 and head north. I have room for 5 additional people in my car if
anyone wants to carpool.
Next Saturday 11/2 – Final Fall game.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Post Game Notes: Vision coming alive!
Wow, what can I say girls. I have had this vision for many many years of exactly how I want you girls to play, and today you showed you are getting close!. As I stated before, that vision was displayed another team--the only team we have lost to this fall (MEAD CUP-CUSA). But today, in the second half, you girls played VERY close to how that team played--my vision. I am so proud of you, as is both Coach Eric and Coach Gary.
I want to put things in perspective of how good the team was you played today. The first place team in our league, has only 1 loss of their 7 games. And that one loss was against the team you beat today. The team you beat today, beat the first place team 5-1. I would have to say that after us (the WieKings!), that the team we played today has to be the best team in our league. In fact, the way that team played the first half, they too displayed the vision of play I have for your girls.
The first half was definitely in their favor. We didn't play bad, but there were three things we weren't doing correctly, which led to that team really having their way with us by possessing the ball and keeping it in our defensive half the majority of that first half. Congrats to our back four and Olivia for staying organized and getting us to halftime with a 0-0 score to make these 3 adjustments.
1. They had very talented center mids that were controlling the game. When we lost the ball anywhere on the field, we weren't guarding their Center Mids quickly or tight enough; And they were quickly looking to play it to their Center mids. So once they received the ball, we were applying pressure to late. Their touch was so good on the ball that they were QUICKLY finding options and making the successful passes. We just needed to apply pressure WAY sooner by denying them the pass, or putting pressure on them the very instant the received it. When teams are that skilled, they rarely need a second touch to gain control. Other teams might need that second or third touch, which then gives us enough time to close down. Today, we needed to close down way sooner than usual. Well done that 2nd half center mids! Well done!
2. We were all ball chasing. That first half reminded me of our teams defense against the CUSA team in the Mead Cup. When we applied initial pressure to the girl with the ball, and then after she passed it, you were leaving her and chasing the ball. This had two of our girls now going to apply pressure on BALL, leaving the girl that passed it wide open. And because their touch was so good, and their movement off the ball was so good, it was leaving them with an automatic option every time. We discussed this at half, and I don't remember seeing it again the second half. This was HUGE in taking them out of their possession game. That adjustment alone had their coach wondering what the heck was going on, and he started screaming at his team to "work harder". Great job girls in your communication on defense from every position that second half. Well done!
3. That team was very fast. Their back four had great speed and matched our speed up top. A through ball or long ball over the top wasn't going to work against this team. Against that type of speed, we have to recognize it and play more to feet. We discussed this at halftime, and girls, I can't tell you how proud I was of you for not only attempting to make the adjustment, but how you successfully executed it. You played to feet so well with accurate passing and incredible movement without the ball to be an option. As great as that team showed off possession soccer by playing to feet and always finding the right options the first half, you girls made it look better the second half!!!! And remember, the more you play to feet against a team like that, the more pressure it makes them have to play; thus creating opportunities to find that though ball when it presents itself. I have never seen you girls play that great of possession soccer. And girls, you did it against a very very good team. I mean this when I say it--you exceeded even my expectations on this today in that second half. I was hoping by next spring that we would be where we already are now!!! Great great great job!
Girls, we have spent so many years on skill, skill, skill (S4). I wanted us to be the most skilled team around. And you girls are!!! And then this year we spent so much time on 1 and 2 touch passing and tactical work. And you have been showing decent 1 and 2 touch passing the past few games, but were forgetting the skill part. TODAY though, you showed how to bring them together! You were making the easy 1 and 2 touch passes that second half, and when you didn't have the options for the pass, you didn't force a pass-but instead you were using S4 skill to create more time for someone to get open. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! That vision your coaching staff had for you girls is starting to become real!!! And by the way, we are the only team in our division of 12 teams that is undefeated!!! Two more games to go!
With 15 girls on the team, it has to be something pretty darn special for me to sit hear and type about each one of you individually. This game--it was that something special! This game was the biggest jump in getting to our "vision"--and you did it against a team that I believe is by far the second best team you have played this fall--and maybe all year. So, here it goes (please disregard grammar and spelling, this is going to be even to long for me to read again!).
Olivia--Where do I begin? You made some flat out amazing saves today. Many of those saves, I think a month ago, you would have slapped or punched the ball away. Today, you were just flat out catching them, and the ones you didn't, you went bananas to pounce on it after you deflected it the first time. I was most happy with your talk and direction on the field. This is sooo crazy of a statement I am about to say, because you have always been the best goalie in what ever league or tournament we played in. But, you truly are one of the most improved girls on our team from just 6 months ago. Hear me out on this--You've always had incredible saves with incredible reaction time and great hands. But your talk and leadership on the field, along with always being a passing option, and then today you taking your time when you had the time and looking up to find an option---this has taken you to a whole new level. It's probably not fair to give out an MVP award for today's game, but how can't I give it to you?! Just awesome Olivia.
Molly--You have shown this fall season how you could be the most improved player I have ever seen in a span of 6 months. You have gone from a girl I was playing the least, to someone I really need in the middle to help control the game. BUT, I will be very honest--your good games always seemed to be against the weaker teams (they are all good teams this fall, but some are just simply better). Today though, could have been one of your very best games, and it was against one of the best teams we've ever played!!! And you were using skill on them like they were a bunch of 5th graders!! Thanks for having confidence in your skill and using it so well. And way to step up to the challenge of controlling the middle this game! That was huge. So so so proud!
Ciara--You really play with your head up! I know we made adjustments and said the long ball might not be the best option this game at halftime, but that first half, you did a great job in receiving the ball, looking across the field, and making that pass--thank you SO much for doing that because we practiced that a lot lately for a "quick change of field". You did so well today checking back to win balls, beating girls one on one, and making very very good 1 and 2 touch passes. I sound like a broken record to you after every game telling you it was your best game yet--but you continue to get better every game!! Well done Ciara!
Morgan--I am so proud of how you made the adjustment when we subbed you out the first half. We talked about how the second we get the ball, I need you thinking offense and getting further up the field and not worrying about your defender when we have possession. I also reminded you that when they play the ball back to their fullbacks to try and switch fields from their back, that with your speed, I NEED you to leave your outside mid, have faith that your fullback will make that rotation to guard your mark, and that I wanted to see you fly through and intercept that pass to their outside back. Within 30 seconds of putting you back in, sure enough, you did exactly what we talked about and intercepted that pass for a breakaway! Great job. Your passing and comfort with the ball is on par with Molly's improvement. I really didn't think that would be possible in this short amount of time for you to improve so much. Seriously kid, I never realized how much we need you as I did that weekend you missed our double header! Don't miss again! ;)
Jenna--Best game from you-- not even up for discussion! Your assist was fantastic. Your passing to feet and finding the open person was simply great today. You are playing soooo well with your back to the goal everywhere on the field. God gave you incredible speed. I think he gave you even more today! You checked back so many times to win the ball, and made so many GREAT 1 and 2 touch passes. And then moved off the ball so well. I will never ever judge your play at striker on if you score or not. Today was a testament to that. You were a play maker for our team, and a play BREAKER for their team. Your hustle today from the very first whistle was fantastic. You covered so much more of the field than usual. You are gifted, and are really using your gifts well! Very proud of you today.
Sheena--Your fantastic play began at practice last Saturday, continued at Tuesday's practice, and definitely continued today. I know this might not sound like a big deal, but when you used that studder move to beat that girl down the line that first half, and then purposely kicked it off that girls foot to get us a corner kick--that gave ME the confidence to know we had a chance. Up until that point, I wasn't so sure we would beat that team with how they were dominating us. I think when you did that, it was the first real chance we had! It showed off your great skill with such a simple move (that you have mastered), and it showed your incredible soccer IQ. You did such a good job with so many good passes. And THANK you for tightening up your defense that second half with the other Center Mids. I am excited to continue to watch you play this year, and for indoor. Your game went to another level this past week. Great job!
Taylor--I am going begin this by saying this--You goal was awesome, but I am WAY more excited for you for how you played the entire game. You weren't just running forward like you use to. You were always being an option. You were checking back to receive the ball from your center mids and you weren't playing into traffic. You were playing many first touches away from pressure, and using skill, such as your step-over-turn, to move forward. You were HUSTLING today more than I've seen before. You soccer IQ simply went up about 10 notches. You grasped the concept of playing to feet and always making yourself a true option. Never standing next to your defender when we had the ball ("staying out of their shadows" as I've talked to you about). Ok, the goal...---it was SWEET!!!! I just am glad you did it this game, because you deserved it. And the reason you got the goal was because your spacing was perfect in being the option for Jenna to see. WELL DONE--SO SO SO proud of you.
Maleah--I don't think I have seen you fight so hard. You were checking back to receive balls, always moving and being an option. Your first touches were fantastic. You were finding the options, and your passes were very accurate! You also were giving their defense fits! You flat out beat the girl one time with your dribble and got off a shot--and she was fast, so great job! Like Jenna, today was not going to be a day I judged my strikers on their scoring ability, but more their playmaking ability. I can't tell you enough how happy I am that you are on this team! You really play the striker position well.
Kylie--I know you like Striker better than Center Mid. But I hope you know by now that you play that Center Mid to almost perfection. That position requires these qualities--Someone with great endurance, GREAT FIELD VISION, a team leader, extremely aggressive, extremely skilled, a Playmaker, a great defender, Athletic, Tough... Kylie, I just described you. The two center mids touch the ball more than anyone on the field in a 4-4-2. I want the ball at your feet. You make things happen. I also need a leader to keep the team organized. I need someone to CONTROL the middle. And I will always say this about soccer--"the team that controls the middle will usually win the game". And Kylie, this is what you do. Today, you played away from pressure. I know last practice we had a discussion about you not switching fields enough and playing back into traffic. Today you TOTALLY corrected that. You passing to feet was outstanding. You stepped up to the challenge that second half and shut down their midfielder, and had her chasing you! Great game Kylie--well done!
Delaney--You are definitely in the conversation for most improved player too. Putting you at outside Defense, and you playing it how you did today, was incredible to watch! Today, I want you to know I saw two great things from you. You played Left outside defender, and you were using your left foot to make a lot of very good passes. A while back, you would have used your right foot when your left made more sense; or if you used your left, it wouldn't have gone to your teammates foot. Today, you used your left so well, I would have thought your were left footed!! Your hustle on High pressure was the best EVER. I do not think I had to tell you ONE TIME to get up and play high pressure. You were thinking ahead, and sprinting to make it happen. Your defense on the ball was outstanding too. DEFINITELY, with out a doubt, your best game EVER. So proud of you Delaney!
Hope--You have taken me saying "I want our outside defenders to get up high when possible" and ran with it! You are always attacking by making overlapping runs, and I love it!! You had a crucial clear today too! You were part of a back 4 defense that didn't give up a goal today against a very good team. Hope, do you know we've only been scored on 3x in league play?? That is the best in the league, and you are a HUGE part of that. Great touches on the ball today, and playing with your head up to find the best option. You did great!!
Hannah--All I know is I would not want to be the team to go up against You and Sophie at Center Mid. Hear me when I say this. You are one of the best defenders on the ball I've ever coached. You possess a very good skill set for a defender. 1. You defend the ball well, and somehow take it off the other girls foot, and still maintain possession! 2. You have great skill WITH the ball, and that is huge for a defender to have! 3. You play with your head up better than any defender I've coached. Today you had a huge task in stopping that team. They wanted to play up the middle a LOT. Wow, you did a great job. You play so strong, so fast, and I think the best word for you is "Quick". Great game. Oh yeah, and you had some very timely clears today!
Hunter--Great skill, great passing, great defense on the ball. You are part of our back 4 that makes us so special. You are definitely in the conversation for highest soccer IQ on the team. Great field vision. You showed great strength today pushing girls off the ball. You have added some quality muscle to this team, and we definitely needed that from you today and you brought it! Your touch on the ball was phenomenal today. And you position yourself on the field so well both on offense and defense. And you also had a crucial clear. I am so glad you joined this team. SOO glad!
Sophie--Did you find something today? A left foot maybe??! I couldn't believe in warmups when you girls were playing keepaway, how many PERFECT passes you made with your left foot. And then you did it in the game. I yelled for you to hear in the game ("GREAT TWO TOUCH"), because at the beginning of the season, many of those touches today that you had to keep possession would have been kicks forward with no purpose. I was waiting for the day to type this for you about your offensive ability and use of left foot--and this game was that day!1!--PLEASE keep this up. Yes, you are a warrior in the back defending the ball, and stepping to win the ball--you did it a TON today. But, you showed you are a COMPLETE soccer player today with your offense--great passing, field vision, dribbling, and skill! This could have been your best game because of you displaying a total package! Great job, and am so proud of you for not giving up, even though I scream at you about your left foot. Thanks for making me not scream!! So PROUD OF YOU!
I want to put things in perspective of how good the team was you played today. The first place team in our league, has only 1 loss of their 7 games. And that one loss was against the team you beat today. The team you beat today, beat the first place team 5-1. I would have to say that after us (the WieKings!), that the team we played today has to be the best team in our league. In fact, the way that team played the first half, they too displayed the vision of play I have for your girls.
The first half was definitely in their favor. We didn't play bad, but there were three things we weren't doing correctly, which led to that team really having their way with us by possessing the ball and keeping it in our defensive half the majority of that first half. Congrats to our back four and Olivia for staying organized and getting us to halftime with a 0-0 score to make these 3 adjustments.
1. They had very talented center mids that were controlling the game. When we lost the ball anywhere on the field, we weren't guarding their Center Mids quickly or tight enough; And they were quickly looking to play it to their Center mids. So once they received the ball, we were applying pressure to late. Their touch was so good on the ball that they were QUICKLY finding options and making the successful passes. We just needed to apply pressure WAY sooner by denying them the pass, or putting pressure on them the very instant the received it. When teams are that skilled, they rarely need a second touch to gain control. Other teams might need that second or third touch, which then gives us enough time to close down. Today, we needed to close down way sooner than usual. Well done that 2nd half center mids! Well done!
2. We were all ball chasing. That first half reminded me of our teams defense against the CUSA team in the Mead Cup. When we applied initial pressure to the girl with the ball, and then after she passed it, you were leaving her and chasing the ball. This had two of our girls now going to apply pressure on BALL, leaving the girl that passed it wide open. And because their touch was so good, and their movement off the ball was so good, it was leaving them with an automatic option every time. We discussed this at half, and I don't remember seeing it again the second half. This was HUGE in taking them out of their possession game. That adjustment alone had their coach wondering what the heck was going on, and he started screaming at his team to "work harder". Great job girls in your communication on defense from every position that second half. Well done!
3. That team was very fast. Their back four had great speed and matched our speed up top. A through ball or long ball over the top wasn't going to work against this team. Against that type of speed, we have to recognize it and play more to feet. We discussed this at halftime, and girls, I can't tell you how proud I was of you for not only attempting to make the adjustment, but how you successfully executed it. You played to feet so well with accurate passing and incredible movement without the ball to be an option. As great as that team showed off possession soccer by playing to feet and always finding the right options the first half, you girls made it look better the second half!!!! And remember, the more you play to feet against a team like that, the more pressure it makes them have to play; thus creating opportunities to find that though ball when it presents itself. I have never seen you girls play that great of possession soccer. And girls, you did it against a very very good team. I mean this when I say it--you exceeded even my expectations on this today in that second half. I was hoping by next spring that we would be where we already are now!!! Great great great job!
Girls, we have spent so many years on skill, skill, skill (S4). I wanted us to be the most skilled team around. And you girls are!!! And then this year we spent so much time on 1 and 2 touch passing and tactical work. And you have been showing decent 1 and 2 touch passing the past few games, but were forgetting the skill part. TODAY though, you showed how to bring them together! You were making the easy 1 and 2 touch passes that second half, and when you didn't have the options for the pass, you didn't force a pass-but instead you were using S4 skill to create more time for someone to get open. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! That vision your coaching staff had for you girls is starting to become real!!! And by the way, we are the only team in our division of 12 teams that is undefeated!!! Two more games to go!
With 15 girls on the team, it has to be something pretty darn special for me to sit hear and type about each one of you individually. This game--it was that something special! This game was the biggest jump in getting to our "vision"--and you did it against a team that I believe is by far the second best team you have played this fall--and maybe all year. So, here it goes (please disregard grammar and spelling, this is going to be even to long for me to read again!).
Olivia--Where do I begin? You made some flat out amazing saves today. Many of those saves, I think a month ago, you would have slapped or punched the ball away. Today, you were just flat out catching them, and the ones you didn't, you went bananas to pounce on it after you deflected it the first time. I was most happy with your talk and direction on the field. This is sooo crazy of a statement I am about to say, because you have always been the best goalie in what ever league or tournament we played in. But, you truly are one of the most improved girls on our team from just 6 months ago. Hear me out on this--You've always had incredible saves with incredible reaction time and great hands. But your talk and leadership on the field, along with always being a passing option, and then today you taking your time when you had the time and looking up to find an option---this has taken you to a whole new level. It's probably not fair to give out an MVP award for today's game, but how can't I give it to you?! Just awesome Olivia.
Molly--You have shown this fall season how you could be the most improved player I have ever seen in a span of 6 months. You have gone from a girl I was playing the least, to someone I really need in the middle to help control the game. BUT, I will be very honest--your good games always seemed to be against the weaker teams (they are all good teams this fall, but some are just simply better). Today though, could have been one of your very best games, and it was against one of the best teams we've ever played!!! And you were using skill on them like they were a bunch of 5th graders!! Thanks for having confidence in your skill and using it so well. And way to step up to the challenge of controlling the middle this game! That was huge. So so so proud!
Ciara--You really play with your head up! I know we made adjustments and said the long ball might not be the best option this game at halftime, but that first half, you did a great job in receiving the ball, looking across the field, and making that pass--thank you SO much for doing that because we practiced that a lot lately for a "quick change of field". You did so well today checking back to win balls, beating girls one on one, and making very very good 1 and 2 touch passes. I sound like a broken record to you after every game telling you it was your best game yet--but you continue to get better every game!! Well done Ciara!
Morgan--I am so proud of how you made the adjustment when we subbed you out the first half. We talked about how the second we get the ball, I need you thinking offense and getting further up the field and not worrying about your defender when we have possession. I also reminded you that when they play the ball back to their fullbacks to try and switch fields from their back, that with your speed, I NEED you to leave your outside mid, have faith that your fullback will make that rotation to guard your mark, and that I wanted to see you fly through and intercept that pass to their outside back. Within 30 seconds of putting you back in, sure enough, you did exactly what we talked about and intercepted that pass for a breakaway! Great job. Your passing and comfort with the ball is on par with Molly's improvement. I really didn't think that would be possible in this short amount of time for you to improve so much. Seriously kid, I never realized how much we need you as I did that weekend you missed our double header! Don't miss again! ;)
Jenna--Best game from you-- not even up for discussion! Your assist was fantastic. Your passing to feet and finding the open person was simply great today. You are playing soooo well with your back to the goal everywhere on the field. God gave you incredible speed. I think he gave you even more today! You checked back so many times to win the ball, and made so many GREAT 1 and 2 touch passes. And then moved off the ball so well. I will never ever judge your play at striker on if you score or not. Today was a testament to that. You were a play maker for our team, and a play BREAKER for their team. Your hustle today from the very first whistle was fantastic. You covered so much more of the field than usual. You are gifted, and are really using your gifts well! Very proud of you today.
Sheena--Your fantastic play began at practice last Saturday, continued at Tuesday's practice, and definitely continued today. I know this might not sound like a big deal, but when you used that studder move to beat that girl down the line that first half, and then purposely kicked it off that girls foot to get us a corner kick--that gave ME the confidence to know we had a chance. Up until that point, I wasn't so sure we would beat that team with how they were dominating us. I think when you did that, it was the first real chance we had! It showed off your great skill with such a simple move (that you have mastered), and it showed your incredible soccer IQ. You did such a good job with so many good passes. And THANK you for tightening up your defense that second half with the other Center Mids. I am excited to continue to watch you play this year, and for indoor. Your game went to another level this past week. Great job!
Taylor--I am going begin this by saying this--You goal was awesome, but I am WAY more excited for you for how you played the entire game. You weren't just running forward like you use to. You were always being an option. You were checking back to receive the ball from your center mids and you weren't playing into traffic. You were playing many first touches away from pressure, and using skill, such as your step-over-turn, to move forward. You were HUSTLING today more than I've seen before. You soccer IQ simply went up about 10 notches. You grasped the concept of playing to feet and always making yourself a true option. Never standing next to your defender when we had the ball ("staying out of their shadows" as I've talked to you about). Ok, the goal...---it was SWEET!!!! I just am glad you did it this game, because you deserved it. And the reason you got the goal was because your spacing was perfect in being the option for Jenna to see. WELL DONE--SO SO SO proud of you.
Maleah--I don't think I have seen you fight so hard. You were checking back to receive balls, always moving and being an option. Your first touches were fantastic. You were finding the options, and your passes were very accurate! You also were giving their defense fits! You flat out beat the girl one time with your dribble and got off a shot--and she was fast, so great job! Like Jenna, today was not going to be a day I judged my strikers on their scoring ability, but more their playmaking ability. I can't tell you enough how happy I am that you are on this team! You really play the striker position well.
Kylie--I know you like Striker better than Center Mid. But I hope you know by now that you play that Center Mid to almost perfection. That position requires these qualities--Someone with great endurance, GREAT FIELD VISION, a team leader, extremely aggressive, extremely skilled, a Playmaker, a great defender, Athletic, Tough... Kylie, I just described you. The two center mids touch the ball more than anyone on the field in a 4-4-2. I want the ball at your feet. You make things happen. I also need a leader to keep the team organized. I need someone to CONTROL the middle. And I will always say this about soccer--"the team that controls the middle will usually win the game". And Kylie, this is what you do. Today, you played away from pressure. I know last practice we had a discussion about you not switching fields enough and playing back into traffic. Today you TOTALLY corrected that. You passing to feet was outstanding. You stepped up to the challenge that second half and shut down their midfielder, and had her chasing you! Great game Kylie--well done!
Delaney--You are definitely in the conversation for most improved player too. Putting you at outside Defense, and you playing it how you did today, was incredible to watch! Today, I want you to know I saw two great things from you. You played Left outside defender, and you were using your left foot to make a lot of very good passes. A while back, you would have used your right foot when your left made more sense; or if you used your left, it wouldn't have gone to your teammates foot. Today, you used your left so well, I would have thought your were left footed!! Your hustle on High pressure was the best EVER. I do not think I had to tell you ONE TIME to get up and play high pressure. You were thinking ahead, and sprinting to make it happen. Your defense on the ball was outstanding too. DEFINITELY, with out a doubt, your best game EVER. So proud of you Delaney!
Hope--You have taken me saying "I want our outside defenders to get up high when possible" and ran with it! You are always attacking by making overlapping runs, and I love it!! You had a crucial clear today too! You were part of a back 4 defense that didn't give up a goal today against a very good team. Hope, do you know we've only been scored on 3x in league play?? That is the best in the league, and you are a HUGE part of that. Great touches on the ball today, and playing with your head up to find the best option. You did great!!
Hannah--All I know is I would not want to be the team to go up against You and Sophie at Center Mid. Hear me when I say this. You are one of the best defenders on the ball I've ever coached. You possess a very good skill set for a defender. 1. You defend the ball well, and somehow take it off the other girls foot, and still maintain possession! 2. You have great skill WITH the ball, and that is huge for a defender to have! 3. You play with your head up better than any defender I've coached. Today you had a huge task in stopping that team. They wanted to play up the middle a LOT. Wow, you did a great job. You play so strong, so fast, and I think the best word for you is "Quick". Great game. Oh yeah, and you had some very timely clears today!
Hunter--Great skill, great passing, great defense on the ball. You are part of our back 4 that makes us so special. You are definitely in the conversation for highest soccer IQ on the team. Great field vision. You showed great strength today pushing girls off the ball. You have added some quality muscle to this team, and we definitely needed that from you today and you brought it! Your touch on the ball was phenomenal today. And you position yourself on the field so well both on offense and defense. And you also had a crucial clear. I am so glad you joined this team. SOO glad!
Sophie--Did you find something today? A left foot maybe??! I couldn't believe in warmups when you girls were playing keepaway, how many PERFECT passes you made with your left foot. And then you did it in the game. I yelled for you to hear in the game ("GREAT TWO TOUCH"), because at the beginning of the season, many of those touches today that you had to keep possession would have been kicks forward with no purpose. I was waiting for the day to type this for you about your offensive ability and use of left foot--and this game was that day!1!--PLEASE keep this up. Yes, you are a warrior in the back defending the ball, and stepping to win the ball--you did it a TON today. But, you showed you are a COMPLETE soccer player today with your offense--great passing, field vision, dribbling, and skill! This could have been your best game because of you displaying a total package! Great job, and am so proud of you for not giving up, even though I scream at you about your left foot. Thanks for making me not scream!! So PROUD OF YOU!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Post Game Notes
Parents--I get on the girls enough during the game. They are out there trying to apply things they've learned in practice--we have taught them more the past on tactic than the last 7 years combined. Their minds are already going a million miles a minute. They already have Me, Eric, and Gary on the sidelines coaching/motivating, getting on them at times. They DO NOT need coaches on the sidelines. If it isn't positive, don't say it. Way too much coaching from parents yesterday. They should only hear positive from here forward during games. And the girls actually talked about how much it was messing them up at halftime. Coaching these girls is not for me--I have a hundred other things I should be doing (right Heidi...?!). I heard some things on the side lines I did not care for yesterday (some seemed towards me too, but I'd rather have towards me than them). I can handle some coaching TOWARDS ONLY YOUR DAUGHTER if it's in a positive light. But definitely not other people's kids. Nothing good comes from it. Let these girls figure it out on their own, and with the direction from the coaches. I also will get on your girls. It has NEVER been out of anger--I care for each girl on this team like she was my own--and that is the truth. When a girl comes out of the game, I will always tell them something they needed to improve on, and something they did well. It will ALWAYS end in a positive. You don't here that from the sidelines. I get on Molly more than any girl. And probably Hope and Taylor second, with Sophie in there somewhere! (thanks Karnes, Jenkins, and Steppe for your support). If it is too much for you to handle, please speak directly with me the following day. Otherwise if that doesn't seem feasible, find another team (no, I don't want that). I believe this is the first time I've had to send this type of email in the 12 years of my coaching--definitely this is the first time in the 7 years with this team. I always brag on "the parents of this team"--please allow me to continue to brag on you guys! And just remember, negativity is contagious. I promise I will not allow that on this team. So, please understand why I am nipping it in the butt today. Trust me, when I am a parent on the sidelines at my other daughters games, there are times I want to walk across the the field and strangle my other kids coaches. But, that night, or the next day, all I can think of is how stupid I was to feel that way, and can't thank them enough for their time as a volunteer--and thank God I kept my mouth shut at the game.
Ugh, hate sending that out because there isn't a parent I wouldn't call my friend...!
Please print out and bring to practice to discuss--there are some things on here that we need to quickly talk about to break some habits, and I need to know you read this--and you can scratch out the note above to your parents :)
Looking at the big picture, you had a good day yesterday for the most part by winning the first and tying the second! You girls were put in a new League this fall, and a Division higher than I thought we should have been placed in (Elite 2nd Division). But, once again, you have stepped up to the plate! Of the 12 teams in our division, there are only three undefeated teams--you are one of them! --with only three games to go. So far this season, including tournaments, I believe your record is 8 wins, 1 loss, and 4 ties. Be proud!; but not satisfied. I only say that because it IS exciting to think of how far you girls have come; but that your ability suggests we could be 11-1-1! Wow, some exciting stuff. And remember, soccer is a funny game in the sense that the better team doesn't always win. So, you really don't see teams go undefeated in a season, especially at this age and level.
Game 1
We played a pretty darn good team. Defense (back four specifically), that was a very very good game from you. I really felt our two teams were evenly matched. I knew, for some reason, that that game was not going to end in a tie. I knew one of the two teams were going to put a goal in and that game was going to be determined by 1 single goal. Both teams played very good defense, with good organization on defense.
It was hard for our offense to get "behind" their defense. Their defense covered each other very well. OUR FIRST SHOT ON GOAL was not until about the 50th minute in the second half, which was a goal! Great shot Ciara--very nice! And we did it by taking a strike in front of their defense. And when a defense packs it in like they were and plays with that much depth, it's going to many times have to be that type of goal--A quick strike from distance.. I know we always talk about finishing our shots low on the ground away from goalie, but this was that time when we needed to "not finish", but actually SHOOT on goal. The other ways to score on this type of defense will usually come from crosses (which we weren't doing enough, or set plays like corner kicks). Also remember, when their defense plays with depth, more passing to feet instead of space needs to take place to break them down to allow shots.
After our goal, what you then saw was their defense beginning to push up since they needed a goal and play much greater pressure. They played with less depth, which then allowed us to find those passing lanes to play balls BEHIND their defense into space for through balls. We then had 3-5 more opportunities, using our speed on the outside for a few more possible finishes.
The game was not our best game. In the first half, we continued to force play back into pressure. We were trying to play up the middle of the field, or on the same side the ball was on. The outsides, specifically the weak side, was being left open (remember, their defense was packing it in the middle). We were not switching fields and finding the true one on one opportunities (Ciara was open many times on weak side, but we missed her). And sometimes, we even looked up and saw the open weak side, but for whatever reason, played it back into pressure. Girls, I continue to write this same thing over and over about NOT playing back into pressure--I can't MAKE YOU do it. You just have to do it. We've got to break the habit of always playing back into pressure.
We did play 20 straight minutes that second half of very good soccer. I was very pleased with that 20 minutes. You finally began to move off the ball, make good passes, find the weak side, and gave us those extra shots on goal. Let's turn that into 70 minutes of that type of play.
Lastly on this game, I commend you on how you played the last 5 minutes. They pushed their defense up so high, including their goalie. We stayed compact and continued to clear the ball, or play it out of bounds. In the past (year ago), this was the 5 minutes that we usually gave up that heart breaking goal. But your clears were solid, your talk on defense, stepping to the ball, and making solid contact with your clears were well done--way to stay composed and get the Win against a good team, giving them their first loss!
Game 2
We played a team that we had already tied in the Mead Cup. They are better than I thought, but we definitely are the better team. Remember, they had just lost to the team you beat that morning by a score of 3-0. On paper, you definitely should have beat them.
We went up 1-0, and seemed like it could turn into a 4-0 win... But, they scored, and we hung our heads, played with no sense or urgency, panicked, and allowed them to score again, going into halftime down 2-1. Extremely frustrating...
The game before (that mornings game), I had stated after the game that "I have not given our defense enough credit--that our defense could be the strongest in our league--that we have given up the least amount of goals in our league".
But, for whatever reason, our back 4 broke down really bad that first half defensively. We totally forgot all the principles of defense--Pressure, Cover, Balance, Shape. We were "man marking" in the middle of the field. We showed no depth. I said to Coach Eric in the very first minute that our defense was so flat across the field. This was why they had so many through passes leading to shots on goal. Our Cover was always to high up on their mark, and never in a position to help/cover. They had better speed than I remember, but we made it way to easy on them--and the greater speed you are up against, the deeper cover you need to have. Next practice, I will touch on this again, so we never have that breakdown again---very mind boggling... Remember, we only "man mark TIGHT" in our deep defensive third--more particularly, in the box. Outside of the box, we play pressure, cover, shape, balance...
At halftime,we went over defense. Defense--CONGRATS on the second half. Your shape was SO much better--like you normally play. And you didn't give up another goal. They did have a few opportunities. Olivia--GREAT job! I know you put your body out their that game, and got some bumps and bruises from it, but you had some text book saves, coming out at the right times, making beautiful sliding saves--WELL DONE!
We also talked about coming over adversity at halftime. I told you that I realized it's our second game of the day and their first. We were down 2-1. And a true test of your character was going to be defined in the next 30 minutes. I said you girls could come out and play "tired", or you could regroup, dig down deep, and give the hardest 30 minutes ever. I also told you that just because we are working on 1 and 2 touch passing in practice, that we didn't waste 3 years of S4 skill training. And here is what happened...
Kylie came out like a mad woman!, and went 110% from the whistle, winning about 4 50/50 balls in one sequence, taking the ball down the field, using a scissor and a step over to get by defenders and create more space. Well done Kylie. I don't think I ever heard Coach Eric yell so loud in commending you for starting the half that way. But, here is what made me most proud. You all fed off of this, and started using skill, which opened up our one and two touch passing, and were giving 100%. Unlike the first half when we were getting beat to the ball, we ALL started being first to the ball and winning 50/50 balls. We were digging down deep and out hustling and muscling that team. Sheena got a spark, and started showing some S4 skill, dribbling away from pressure, looking like Messi, and finding the feet of her teammates! All sorts of good things were happening. We put a lot of pressure on them, and with about 3-4 shots on goal in the box, with the ball being deflected everywhere, Talyor finished it with a great goal to tie 2-2. We then kept the ball on their side of the field and I was very certain we were going to win that game. Unfortunately, mother nature spoke, and the lightening cut the game about 12 minutes short. But, congrats on that second half.
Have a great weekend girls. There is a lot of info in this post we need to discuss. I want to go over high pressure for 3 minutes. Too many times one breakdown was costing us a quick transition from the other team. Principles of defense, and exactly how I want the forwards on throw-in to switch by one checking out, and the other checking in. Also, the different ways to switch fields (clears, through the middle, the back, goalie clears, etc). Please print this out and bring it to practice. I NEED to know you read it, and we do need to discuss some things so we can break some habits, and get back to focusing on Skill. Most of this is tactical stuff, so I only want to spend 20 minutes tops in discussion.
Ugh, hate sending that out because there isn't a parent I wouldn't call my friend...!
Please print out and bring to practice to discuss--there are some things on here that we need to quickly talk about to break some habits, and I need to know you read this--and you can scratch out the note above to your parents :)
Looking at the big picture, you had a good day yesterday for the most part by winning the first and tying the second! You girls were put in a new League this fall, and a Division higher than I thought we should have been placed in (Elite 2nd Division). But, once again, you have stepped up to the plate! Of the 12 teams in our division, there are only three undefeated teams--you are one of them! --with only three games to go. So far this season, including tournaments, I believe your record is 8 wins, 1 loss, and 4 ties. Be proud!; but not satisfied. I only say that because it IS exciting to think of how far you girls have come; but that your ability suggests we could be 11-1-1! Wow, some exciting stuff. And remember, soccer is a funny game in the sense that the better team doesn't always win. So, you really don't see teams go undefeated in a season, especially at this age and level.
Game 1
We played a pretty darn good team. Defense (back four specifically), that was a very very good game from you. I really felt our two teams were evenly matched. I knew, for some reason, that that game was not going to end in a tie. I knew one of the two teams were going to put a goal in and that game was going to be determined by 1 single goal. Both teams played very good defense, with good organization on defense.
It was hard for our offense to get "behind" their defense. Their defense covered each other very well. OUR FIRST SHOT ON GOAL was not until about the 50th minute in the second half, which was a goal! Great shot Ciara--very nice! And we did it by taking a strike in front of their defense. And when a defense packs it in like they were and plays with that much depth, it's going to many times have to be that type of goal--A quick strike from distance.. I know we always talk about finishing our shots low on the ground away from goalie, but this was that time when we needed to "not finish", but actually SHOOT on goal. The other ways to score on this type of defense will usually come from crosses (which we weren't doing enough, or set plays like corner kicks). Also remember, when their defense plays with depth, more passing to feet instead of space needs to take place to break them down to allow shots.
After our goal, what you then saw was their defense beginning to push up since they needed a goal and play much greater pressure. They played with less depth, which then allowed us to find those passing lanes to play balls BEHIND their defense into space for through balls. We then had 3-5 more opportunities, using our speed on the outside for a few more possible finishes.
The game was not our best game. In the first half, we continued to force play back into pressure. We were trying to play up the middle of the field, or on the same side the ball was on. The outsides, specifically the weak side, was being left open (remember, their defense was packing it in the middle). We were not switching fields and finding the true one on one opportunities (Ciara was open many times on weak side, but we missed her). And sometimes, we even looked up and saw the open weak side, but for whatever reason, played it back into pressure. Girls, I continue to write this same thing over and over about NOT playing back into pressure--I can't MAKE YOU do it. You just have to do it. We've got to break the habit of always playing back into pressure.
We did play 20 straight minutes that second half of very good soccer. I was very pleased with that 20 minutes. You finally began to move off the ball, make good passes, find the weak side, and gave us those extra shots on goal. Let's turn that into 70 minutes of that type of play.
Lastly on this game, I commend you on how you played the last 5 minutes. They pushed their defense up so high, including their goalie. We stayed compact and continued to clear the ball, or play it out of bounds. In the past (year ago), this was the 5 minutes that we usually gave up that heart breaking goal. But your clears were solid, your talk on defense, stepping to the ball, and making solid contact with your clears were well done--way to stay composed and get the Win against a good team, giving them their first loss!
Game 2
We played a team that we had already tied in the Mead Cup. They are better than I thought, but we definitely are the better team. Remember, they had just lost to the team you beat that morning by a score of 3-0. On paper, you definitely should have beat them.
We went up 1-0, and seemed like it could turn into a 4-0 win... But, they scored, and we hung our heads, played with no sense or urgency, panicked, and allowed them to score again, going into halftime down 2-1. Extremely frustrating...
The game before (that mornings game), I had stated after the game that "I have not given our defense enough credit--that our defense could be the strongest in our league--that we have given up the least amount of goals in our league".
But, for whatever reason, our back 4 broke down really bad that first half defensively. We totally forgot all the principles of defense--Pressure, Cover, Balance, Shape. We were "man marking" in the middle of the field. We showed no depth. I said to Coach Eric in the very first minute that our defense was so flat across the field. This was why they had so many through passes leading to shots on goal. Our Cover was always to high up on their mark, and never in a position to help/cover. They had better speed than I remember, but we made it way to easy on them--and the greater speed you are up against, the deeper cover you need to have. Next practice, I will touch on this again, so we never have that breakdown again---very mind boggling... Remember, we only "man mark TIGHT" in our deep defensive third--more particularly, in the box. Outside of the box, we play pressure, cover, shape, balance...
At halftime,we went over defense. Defense--CONGRATS on the second half. Your shape was SO much better--like you normally play. And you didn't give up another goal. They did have a few opportunities. Olivia--GREAT job! I know you put your body out their that game, and got some bumps and bruises from it, but you had some text book saves, coming out at the right times, making beautiful sliding saves--WELL DONE!
We also talked about coming over adversity at halftime. I told you that I realized it's our second game of the day and their first. We were down 2-1. And a true test of your character was going to be defined in the next 30 minutes. I said you girls could come out and play "tired", or you could regroup, dig down deep, and give the hardest 30 minutes ever. I also told you that just because we are working on 1 and 2 touch passing in practice, that we didn't waste 3 years of S4 skill training. And here is what happened...
Kylie came out like a mad woman!, and went 110% from the whistle, winning about 4 50/50 balls in one sequence, taking the ball down the field, using a scissor and a step over to get by defenders and create more space. Well done Kylie. I don't think I ever heard Coach Eric yell so loud in commending you for starting the half that way. But, here is what made me most proud. You all fed off of this, and started using skill, which opened up our one and two touch passing, and were giving 100%. Unlike the first half when we were getting beat to the ball, we ALL started being first to the ball and winning 50/50 balls. We were digging down deep and out hustling and muscling that team. Sheena got a spark, and started showing some S4 skill, dribbling away from pressure, looking like Messi, and finding the feet of her teammates! All sorts of good things were happening. We put a lot of pressure on them, and with about 3-4 shots on goal in the box, with the ball being deflected everywhere, Talyor finished it with a great goal to tie 2-2. We then kept the ball on their side of the field and I was very certain we were going to win that game. Unfortunately, mother nature spoke, and the lightening cut the game about 12 minutes short. But, congrats on that second half.
Have a great weekend girls. There is a lot of info in this post we need to discuss. I want to go over high pressure for 3 minutes. Too many times one breakdown was costing us a quick transition from the other team. Principles of defense, and exactly how I want the forwards on throw-in to switch by one checking out, and the other checking in. Also, the different ways to switch fields (clears, through the middle, the back, goalie clears, etc). Please print this out and bring it to practice. I NEED to know you read it, and we do need to discuss some things so we can break some habits, and get back to focusing on Skill. Most of this is tactical stuff, so I only want to spend 20 minutes tops in discussion.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Ladies and Parents,
Both games tomorrow are league games and both are against
very tough teams, one is the team we tied a Mead Cup, please make sure you are prepared.
Just a couple of items:
Both Games are at Ankeny Field. Field 3 and 2
Game one tomorrow – Wear white (Bring Red)
Please be at the field by 8:15 for warm up
Game two tomorrow – wear Red (Bring White)
Please be at the field by 1:30 for warm up
Brian went over several things with the team on Tuesday
about eating and drinking properly both prior to and during the day tomorrow,
this includes:
Eating a good dinner tonight
Getting lots of rest tonight
Hydrating starting now
Bring both Gatorade and water
Smart breakfast in the morning (not a lot of
Bring Fruit (non citrus) to eat right after the
game. Should be in soccer bag
Team lunch plans, right after first game:

Olive Garden
2865 Centre Dr.
Fairborn, OH 45324
(937) 426-9200
UC Game:
Here is what I have for the UC Game:
UC Womens Game October 25th
$ 6.00
$ 3.00
$ 2.00
$ 2.00
$ 3.00
$ 16.00
I still need payment from several parents for the US Women’s
game. If you have not paid please bring a check made out to myself tomorrow.
Gary Jenkins
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