Nutrition Class-
There are way to many girls out from both teams this Wednesday due to final track meet. Let's reschedule for next wednesday, May 8th at 7:00 at WieFit. Please bring chairs and don't come in until Group Fitness clears out. Again, Please try and make this a priority, moreso than even a practice. Thanks.
Game Comments- Parents, PLEASE make sure girls read this and watch the two videos before tonight (very short video's, and the second one, they only have to watch and listen to the first thirty seconds). I will be asking each girl who watched this. It will definately cut down on talk time tonight if they all see this.
It was very interesting that when I sent my comments to the coach's, that Coach Eric hadn't seen my email (I sent it to his work email); but when he sent me his comments, they were so exact. This is great because we both were seeing the same things on the field.
Talk was better. I'm hearing many girls talk. A huge improvement. Girls, I really believe the numbers game we play has created a great habit! We'll continue this as a warm-up before every game. We are going to learn a new word though, that with EVERY pass, I need to hear this word well before the person recieves the ball-- "Turn" or "Man On". "Turn" means you are telling the person recieving the pass that they have time to turn the ball up field (not much pressure behind), and "Man On" means you have pressure from behind, so you will need to either play back, or shield defender hard while holding onto the ball, until options open up.
First Touches were better. Again, not great, but MUCH better than usual. It is our second touch's that seem to get us in trouble. For example, I was SO happy with Morgans first touches. Really well done, out into space to beat a defender. But, the second or third touch was going to goalie. Morgan, great job though! We can't work on second touch until you master the first touch, and it really looked good that game!
Posession (from back) in 1st half--Saw some good possession in the first half (not so much second though). Our backs were switching fields and getting into good position to swing the ball (good job sophie, Ciara, Danielle, Delaney, Hope, Hannah). We need to make this much more consistant though. Second half, we began to clear many times, when we didn't even have that much pressure at times. Some of this was because the other defensive backs were not in position to be OPTIONS to pass back to. I saw that second half where a defender would recieve the ball, and the other defenders then reacted and tried to drop back to be options, but it was too late. Remember, see the play happening, and drop back as an option BEFORE she recieves the ball. That's being PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE--that 1/2 second is the difference of us clearing it ahead, versus keeping possession and building up an attack/switching fields from backfield. Again though, let's focus on the positive, which was times in the first half where you were options for one of your defenders to pass back to.
Fullbacks/Defenders and Goalie's defense on the ball: Our back four and Olivia continue to really defend well on the ball (not talking about when WE have the ball, but when other team does). Many of your girls used to "dive" into the ball, allowing the girl to make a move and go around. I've now witnessed great "patience" on the ball. You girls really play "pressure/delay" and Cover and Balance very well. And Olivia, your saves, talk, keeping the back four organized--it's been great.
Midfielders in first half, looking to switch fields: This was great, as we had been working a lot on this--playing away from pressure. This allowed Morgan many 1v1 opportunites on the wing. We got away from this the second half though.
Area's for Improvement:
Checking back to recieve the ball: I can't count the number of times our forwards or midfielders did not check back to recieve the pass and no idea if a defender was on approaching them or not. Almost every time, we would wait on the pass, or as the pass was coming, we began running the other way; each time, the defender would step in and win the ball. WE ARE GOING TO FOCUS on this tonight. Coach Eric will be running practice on this tonight and I will be playing a supportive coaching role this evening. Most of this is simply because your stance is "back to goal", versus being in a "sideways" on stance. Being sideways on allows you to see both defender and ball, so you know when you have to check to recieve, and possibly shoulder off or shield the defender's high pressure in order to win the ball. Playing with back to defender doesn't allow you to see if she is coming in with pace from behind. Here is a video that you all have seen: Watch this before tonight:
Always trying to Turn the ball into pressure: This goes along with how to check back to ball. Many times when we did recieve a pass at midfield or forward, we would try to instantly turn into our defender. Tonight, we are going to focus on checking back to win the ball, and instead of always turning (which is OK sometimes if you know you can turn), we are going to look to play ball back, while other striker or outside mid is making a forward run. This combination play has GOT to begin to become a part of our game. We have worked a lot on this in practices, but haven't done it in games. It will throw the defense off! Here is the video so you know what I am talking about. WATCH IT AGAIN (before tonight too). This is what we will be working on with Coach Eric at practice tonight--Simply pay attention to the forward checking back to the ball, and playing to teammates running forward for pass (just watch the first 30 seconds):
Winning Balls out of the air, specifically on goal kicks and goalie punts: The other team was much more physical on this. We watched the ball hit the ground, or watched them win the ball.
On a final note, that team finished their regular season that game. They are in first place with 3 wins, 0 losses, and 2 ties. They only gave up 1 goal the entire season. Their goal on us was an incredible shot--nothing we could have done about that. No excuses, but we did play that team with three girls out (4 counting Mollie, since I couldn't put her back in after the head blow due to the new concussion laws). We had two subs, one being u11 and the other u12. So, don't hang your heads. If we can focus on the great learning opportunies above, we will be in good shape!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Nutrition Seminar Wednesday, May 1st 7pm
I would like to hold a Nutrition Seminar for our team and Tim Gesner's
u14 team this coming Wednesday, May 1st 7:00pm at WieFit. Tim has been
inquiring about this for some time, and I've been trying to find an off night
for both teams.
First and foremost, I would like to have this for the girls
overall health--for both now and the rest of their lives. Having a very
good understanding of how their bodies work and process food will be
instrumental in all that they do, and living a healthy life.
Secondly, what you will find in the coming years (most the girls
are getting close to that age), that with their bodies changing, and not
growing in height any longer, those "growth spurts" that would
naturally lean them out, just don't happen anymore; therefore, you see
many girls picking up extra weight through bad eating habits. In terms of
soccer, I see it every year now with high school girls, where the additional
weight slows them down a step or too. I hate seeing this because I know
it's not so much due to bad eating habits, but more importantly, it's due to
lack of knowledge--which results in bad eating habits. This can many
times lead to even WORSE eating habits, such as trying to eat as little as
possible, and then having zero energy. This sort of under eating approach
will always result in overeating. And worst case scenario, this can
sometimes develop eating disorders...
And on the other end, there will be those girls who get tall and
stay very thin, and wish they could put on some extra good weight to help them
get stronger and faster, but they don't know how to either. This will
also be addressed.
This is the same seminar we charge $125-$200 (depending on the
format) for every client that has ever participated in our program. Obviously
I am doing this at no cost; what I get out of this is the opportunity to build
into girls that mean so very much to me. All I ask is that one parent,
if possible, be in attendance with their daughter. Otherwise, without
parents support, it's usually a lost cause...
I am confident that this will be the most important 60-75 minutes
your daughter will ever have in learning to live a healthy life.
Hopefully you all can make it, and change around schedules to get there.
P.S. A Group Fitness class will be finishing up about
7:00pm. So, please wait outside until they clear out. Also, I only have
about 20 chairs, so please bring chairs. Thanks.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Pre Game Chant Challenge
We have a pretty great team so we should come up with a pretty great pre-game chant to get psyched up for the game.
The 3 criteria are:
1. Huddled-up
2. Moving whole body, together
3. Everyone's voice is included
Here are some good ideas from youtube, you can find some too.
Please bring your idea by next Monday's practice.
I know you can do it.
Coach Eric
The 3 criteria are:
1. Huddled-up
2. Moving whole body, together
3. Everyone's voice is included
Here are some good ideas from youtube, you can find some too.
Please bring your idea by next Monday's practice.
I know you can do it.
Coach Eric
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Could you each email me individually at and give me your thoughts on practicing 2 days a week versus 3 days a week.
I know we have been going 2 days per week. I'll give you my thoughts on this, but please don't let them persuade your thoughts...
1. I wanted to give equal training to what the Elite teams get, so I thought 3 days was best.
2. We have majority of the team that plays other sports/activites that spread the girls time (and your time) thin. I am afraid a third day of practice could make the girls want to actually play soccer less, and put some parents over the edge.
3. With so many girls playing sports that put impact on the body, I am afraid of "overuse" injuries. Basketball, track, dance, Rec soccer, etc.--The girls seem like they go non-stop.
4. We train more in the winter and summer than most of the Elite teams. Our winter training begins much earlier, as did our summer training.
5. Our team is much more spread out. It used to be all Cold Spring and Fort Thomas girls. So transportation was quick and easy. That isn't the case anymore.
6. On the other hand, if the girls want more training, I will happily give it. We could go every friday as I have 1/3rd of the field at Tower Park, or every other Friday, or continue not having it. I think we said we would make Friday training "optional" at one time. We could try that. We also are missing a big part of what I feel is important, and that is films. I haven't wanted to use one of our two practice days for films, so maybe a Friday every once in a while could be use for that.
This is all me "thinking out loud", especially #6 above. So before I decide what to do for Fridays, please emial me your thoughts. I want to do what the team wants. I also have other teams that would use the field on Fridays. I continue to hold onto it, and it goes unused...
Could you each email me individually at and give me your thoughts on practicing 2 days a week versus 3 days a week.
I know we have been going 2 days per week. I'll give you my thoughts on this, but please don't let them persuade your thoughts...
1. I wanted to give equal training to what the Elite teams get, so I thought 3 days was best.
2. We have majority of the team that plays other sports/activites that spread the girls time (and your time) thin. I am afraid a third day of practice could make the girls want to actually play soccer less, and put some parents over the edge.
3. With so many girls playing sports that put impact on the body, I am afraid of "overuse" injuries. Basketball, track, dance, Rec soccer, etc.--The girls seem like they go non-stop.
4. We train more in the winter and summer than most of the Elite teams. Our winter training begins much earlier, as did our summer training.
5. Our team is much more spread out. It used to be all Cold Spring and Fort Thomas girls. So transportation was quick and easy. That isn't the case anymore.
6. On the other hand, if the girls want more training, I will happily give it. We could go every friday as I have 1/3rd of the field at Tower Park, or every other Friday, or continue not having it. I think we said we would make Friday training "optional" at one time. We could try that. We also are missing a big part of what I feel is important, and that is films. I haven't wanted to use one of our two practice days for films, so maybe a Friday every once in a while could be use for that.
This is all me "thinking out loud", especially #6 above. So before I decide what to do for Fridays, please emial me your thoughts. I want to do what the team wants. I also have other teams that would use the field on Fridays. I continue to hold onto it, and it goes unused...
Monday, April 22, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Girls had a good tournament. The one thing they did was work hard all 4 games. In the past, they have had tournaments with ussually one unaccaptable game based on effort--that was not the case this weekend. I hope I am correct, but it seems the girls are enjoying the game, and are putting in the effort without me having to get on them; I call that "playing for the love of the game"!
Game 1: This was a heartbreaker. The girls outshot the other team by a large margin, with many of them 1 v 1 with goalie that we couldn't finish. We didn't finish, and let two slip by for a 2-1 loss. The effort the girls gave the last 15 minutes in trying to at least get the tie was outstanding. I knew their legs were going to be a little tired the second game because they left everything on the field that first game. We had some good passing combinations, but we continued to play right back into pressure instead of switching fields when the opportunity was there.
Game 2: The girls came out at the blow of the whistle with a 12 pass sequence without the other team even touching the ball. Well done--beautiful to watch. We took the lead. The other team put on incredible pressure. I never saw a field of tired girls as our team was that last 20 minutes. I new that first game was going to have an effect on our stamina, and it did. I was so proud, as tired as we were, that we were able to secure the win. We win as a team; but I do want to mention the fantastic play by Sophie and Olivia that game. Again, our legs and stamina left us, and our goalie and sweeper put us on their shoulders. Great team effort for the win!
Game 3: I asked the girls a question at the end of this 1-1 tie game--"How many times did we switch fields that game out of the back". Answer -- 1 time. Then I asked, "how many goals did we score"? Answer-1 goal. And then I asked, "when did we score the goal"--Answer-- when we quickly swithed field out of the back". That was the one thing we worked a lot on at the bigginning of the year, and for whatever reason, our backs were not backing up from their defender to open themselves up and find the space to make this happen. But that time, our defenders were far enough back to be an option for our throw in. So, instead of throwing it forward into pressure, Hope intelligently threw it in back to Hannah who quickly switched fields. This quickly got the ball up to Jenna who cuaght her defender in a 1 v 1 situation. And that defender had ZERO help/cover because WE QUICKLY SWITCHED FIELDS, which put the help/cover defender out of position! That's why we switch fields girls:)! Jenna, great jop in beating her 1 v 1 and nice left footed strike for goal!
Game 4: We got to play the team we beat game 2. I was VERY happy the first half. We talked a lot before the game and warm-ups about switching fields, especially from our back. We played possession very well that half! We switched fields numerous times, which gave us several scoring opportunities, but unfortanelty couldn't finish. They were very aggressive and their defenders did have good speed. I felt we were just as aggressive. We did tend to lose some focus the second half and began the bad habit of playing back into pressure instead of staying with possession and switching fields when we had the opportunities. GIRLS--IF THERE IS ONE THING WE NEED TO IMPROVE ON, IT'S NOT SWITCHING FIELDS ENOUGH AND GETTING THE BALL TO WEAKSIDE/AWAY FROM PRESSURE! And that goes for all of us--defenders, midfielders, striker, etc. Anyway, we got anxious that second half and were trying to play right up the middle (as well as back into pressure). Many times our outside Mid furthest away from ball (many times Anna and Taylor) was wide open, but we were missing it. Olivia made amazing save on the PK and Jenna did a good job of clearing it after the save. Was happy with some of the overlaps our outside attacking backs were making (hannah, Delaney). Overall, it was a good game that we really dominated, but came up with a 0-0 tie. Defenders did a good job in defending the ball, and the first half in playing possession. Actually, the defenders did a heck of a job all weekend in defending their goal. Pat on the pack defense!
Good tourney girls. You girls probably maintained a 65% possession to their 35% the whole tournament. That was well done, and I know it can even get better. Great hustle like I said. And your skill was much higher than all the teams, which you used and displayed well, specifically in 1 v 1 situations. I was proud of your performance.
See you tomorrow. We worked really hard this weekend, so we will most likely use a good portion of the practice simply going over set plays (corners, indirects, directs, etc), which we have not done so this season yet. Please be there, as I don't want to spend more than this single practice this season on set plays. They are important and need to be learned.
Thanks again girls for a really fun weekend!
Gary, Eric--feel free to add anything.
Game 1: This was a heartbreaker. The girls outshot the other team by a large margin, with many of them 1 v 1 with goalie that we couldn't finish. We didn't finish, and let two slip by for a 2-1 loss. The effort the girls gave the last 15 minutes in trying to at least get the tie was outstanding. I knew their legs were going to be a little tired the second game because they left everything on the field that first game. We had some good passing combinations, but we continued to play right back into pressure instead of switching fields when the opportunity was there.
Game 2: The girls came out at the blow of the whistle with a 12 pass sequence without the other team even touching the ball. Well done--beautiful to watch. We took the lead. The other team put on incredible pressure. I never saw a field of tired girls as our team was that last 20 minutes. I new that first game was going to have an effect on our stamina, and it did. I was so proud, as tired as we were, that we were able to secure the win. We win as a team; but I do want to mention the fantastic play by Sophie and Olivia that game. Again, our legs and stamina left us, and our goalie and sweeper put us on their shoulders. Great team effort for the win!
Game 3: I asked the girls a question at the end of this 1-1 tie game--"How many times did we switch fields that game out of the back". Answer -- 1 time. Then I asked, "how many goals did we score"? Answer-1 goal. And then I asked, "when did we score the goal"--Answer-- when we quickly swithed field out of the back". That was the one thing we worked a lot on at the bigginning of the year, and for whatever reason, our backs were not backing up from their defender to open themselves up and find the space to make this happen. But that time, our defenders were far enough back to be an option for our throw in. So, instead of throwing it forward into pressure, Hope intelligently threw it in back to Hannah who quickly switched fields. This quickly got the ball up to Jenna who cuaght her defender in a 1 v 1 situation. And that defender had ZERO help/cover because WE QUICKLY SWITCHED FIELDS, which put the help/cover defender out of position! That's why we switch fields girls:)! Jenna, great jop in beating her 1 v 1 and nice left footed strike for goal!
Game 4: We got to play the team we beat game 2. I was VERY happy the first half. We talked a lot before the game and warm-ups about switching fields, especially from our back. We played possession very well that half! We switched fields numerous times, which gave us several scoring opportunities, but unfortanelty couldn't finish. They were very aggressive and their defenders did have good speed. I felt we were just as aggressive. We did tend to lose some focus the second half and began the bad habit of playing back into pressure instead of staying with possession and switching fields when we had the opportunities. GIRLS--IF THERE IS ONE THING WE NEED TO IMPROVE ON, IT'S NOT SWITCHING FIELDS ENOUGH AND GETTING THE BALL TO WEAKSIDE/AWAY FROM PRESSURE! And that goes for all of us--defenders, midfielders, striker, etc. Anyway, we got anxious that second half and were trying to play right up the middle (as well as back into pressure). Many times our outside Mid furthest away from ball (many times Anna and Taylor) was wide open, but we were missing it. Olivia made amazing save on the PK and Jenna did a good job of clearing it after the save. Was happy with some of the overlaps our outside attacking backs were making (hannah, Delaney). Overall, it was a good game that we really dominated, but came up with a 0-0 tie. Defenders did a good job in defending the ball, and the first half in playing possession. Actually, the defenders did a heck of a job all weekend in defending their goal. Pat on the pack defense!
Good tourney girls. You girls probably maintained a 65% possession to their 35% the whole tournament. That was well done, and I know it can even get better. Great hustle like I said. And your skill was much higher than all the teams, which you used and displayed well, specifically in 1 v 1 situations. I was proud of your performance.
See you tomorrow. We worked really hard this weekend, so we will most likely use a good portion of the practice simply going over set plays (corners, indirects, directs, etc), which we have not done so this season yet. Please be there, as I don't want to spend more than this single practice this season on set plays. They are important and need to be learned.
Thanks again girls for a really fun weekend!
Gary, Eric--feel free to add anything.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Concentration for tournament--"When to possess versus attack"
Parent/Girls (parents, please show girls),
We have been working on, for some time now, "possession soccer"-- specifically by building up from our backs/defenders. The girls understand the concept, and do a pretty decent job of it. There are still technical issues that sometimes limit our tactical success in possession. Some girls are still having difficulty making accurate passes with their left foot. We'll continue to work on skill/technical issues every practice. But again, they are getting the concept of possession soccer.
Over the past two weeks, we have been working on "attacking soccer". For those who are more familiar with basketball, I would describe the differences in the two as such...:
An example of "possession soccer" in basketball would be when the gaurd dribbles the ball up the court, and the opposing team already has their defense set up. The team with the ball would then pass around the perimeter, while guards are making cuts to the basket, forwards are checking in the lane to get open, Center is posting up, etc. Maybe the ball is thrown into the forward, but he/she is being defended really well, so she passes it back out to a guard. Constant passing and ball movement, with some penetration, in attempt to find a good shot.
On the other hand, an example of "attacking soccer" in basketball would be when a team is pressing and might steal the ball at half court. If that player who steals the ball sees an advantage, he will quickly look to play forward to score. The key words are "advantage, forward, and quickly". This is all done since the defense is offbalance and the offense might have a 3 versus 1 opportunity. The offensive players have to be fast in making their runs and attacking the basket in order to NOT allow the defense to catch up and get organized.
This would translate in soccer when one of our girls steals/intercepts the ball, ussually taking place in our attacking or middle third of the field, and the other teams defense is not organized. We have been working on how to quickly attack the goal, passing combinations to make this successful, and quick runs from all different positions, including our defenders, to play "numbers up" (meaning we have more offensive players than they have on defense) and look for the quick counter attack goal! Here is a video again on attacking soocer:
Attacking soccer MAY sometimes appear as "kick and run". In some instances, if we look up and see a mismatch, we will play the long ball forward. It's not "kick and run" in terms of "unorganized soccer", but it is more of a quick organized attack. And yes, sometimes it can be as simple as one long pass forward to another player for a quick strike on goal... So, our biggest focus for this tournament will be to see the girls be able to make good decisions on Attacking Soccer versus Possession Soccer!
LASTLY, we are playing some very good teams in this tournament. I go into every game expecting the girls to do what it takes to win by giving nothing less than 100% effort. We are playing teams all in the Buckeye League, with one team being in the 1st division, one in the 2nd division, and the other in the 3rd division. So, it will be extremely good competition for us! Looking forward to a fun weekend.
Parent/Girls (parents, please show girls),
We have been working on, for some time now, "possession soccer"-- specifically by building up from our backs/defenders. The girls understand the concept, and do a pretty decent job of it. There are still technical issues that sometimes limit our tactical success in possession. Some girls are still having difficulty making accurate passes with their left foot. We'll continue to work on skill/technical issues every practice. But again, they are getting the concept of possession soccer.
Over the past two weeks, we have been working on "attacking soccer". For those who are more familiar with basketball, I would describe the differences in the two as such...:
An example of "possession soccer" in basketball would be when the gaurd dribbles the ball up the court, and the opposing team already has their defense set up. The team with the ball would then pass around the perimeter, while guards are making cuts to the basket, forwards are checking in the lane to get open, Center is posting up, etc. Maybe the ball is thrown into the forward, but he/she is being defended really well, so she passes it back out to a guard. Constant passing and ball movement, with some penetration, in attempt to find a good shot.
On the other hand, an example of "attacking soccer" in basketball would be when a team is pressing and might steal the ball at half court. If that player who steals the ball sees an advantage, he will quickly look to play forward to score. The key words are "advantage, forward, and quickly". This is all done since the defense is offbalance and the offense might have a 3 versus 1 opportunity. The offensive players have to be fast in making their runs and attacking the basket in order to NOT allow the defense to catch up and get organized.
This would translate in soccer when one of our girls steals/intercepts the ball, ussually taking place in our attacking or middle third of the field, and the other teams defense is not organized. We have been working on how to quickly attack the goal, passing combinations to make this successful, and quick runs from all different positions, including our defenders, to play "numbers up" (meaning we have more offensive players than they have on defense) and look for the quick counter attack goal! Here is a video again on attacking soocer:
Attacking soccer MAY sometimes appear as "kick and run". In some instances, if we look up and see a mismatch, we will play the long ball forward. It's not "kick and run" in terms of "unorganized soccer", but it is more of a quick organized attack. And yes, sometimes it can be as simple as one long pass forward to another player for a quick strike on goal... So, our biggest focus for this tournament will be to see the girls be able to make good decisions on Attacking Soccer versus Possession Soccer!
LASTLY, we are playing some very good teams in this tournament. I go into every game expecting the girls to do what it takes to win by giving nothing less than 100% effort. We are playing teams all in the Buckeye League, with one team being in the 1st division, one in the 2nd division, and the other in the 3rd division. So, it will be extremely good competition for us! Looking forward to a fun weekend.
Friday, April 12, 2013
The UEFA Champions League is down to the final 4 teams! Let us all know who has these teams!
1. Barcelona (from the Spanish league. Messi plays on this team--the best passing team in the world)
2. Real Madrid (from the Spanish league called "La Liga". Christiano Ronaldo plays on this team--very good team, and Ronaldo is such a great scorer with his feet, but even better with his head)
3. Bayern Munich (from the German League called Bundesliga--this is the team I think might win it all, but I hope not--this German team is very strong, fast and extremely physical--very typical of German Style of play).
4. Dortmund (from the German League called Bundesliga--they play a style very similiar to Bayern's team)
So, there you go! Pretty amazing that from all the different European leagues, that the 4 left are the top two German teams and the top two Spanish Teams. I though for sure there would be a couple English teams left such as Manchester United, Manchester City, or last years winner, Chelsea (Chelsea beat Bayern Munich in the Championship game last year.
First Leg:
April 23rd: Bayern Munich vs. Real Madrid
April 24th: Dortmund vs. Barcelona
Second Leg:
April 30th: Dortmund vs. Barcelona
May 1st: Bayern Munich vs. Real Madrid
May 25th: CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy! Hopefully we can watch the Championship game together!
Don't forget to comment if you have one of these four teams. Remember the prize!
If you want to learn more about these teams and follow the tournament, here is the link:
You can click on any team and it will take you to the teams page!
1. Barcelona (from the Spanish league. Messi plays on this team--the best passing team in the world)
2. Real Madrid (from the Spanish league called "La Liga". Christiano Ronaldo plays on this team--very good team, and Ronaldo is such a great scorer with his feet, but even better with his head)
3. Bayern Munich (from the German League called Bundesliga--this is the team I think might win it all, but I hope not--this German team is very strong, fast and extremely physical--very typical of German Style of play).
4. Dortmund (from the German League called Bundesliga--they play a style very similiar to Bayern's team)
So, there you go! Pretty amazing that from all the different European leagues, that the 4 left are the top two German teams and the top two Spanish Teams. I though for sure there would be a couple English teams left such as Manchester United, Manchester City, or last years winner, Chelsea (Chelsea beat Bayern Munich in the Championship game last year.
First Leg:
April 23rd: Bayern Munich vs. Real Madrid
April 24th: Dortmund vs. Barcelona
Second Leg:
April 30th: Dortmund vs. Barcelona
May 1st: Bayern Munich vs. Real Madrid
May 25th: CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy! Hopefully we can watch the Championship game together!
Don't forget to comment if you have one of these four teams. Remember the prize!
If you want to learn more about these teams and follow the tournament, here is the link:
You can click on any team and it will take you to the teams page!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Please find below the schedule for next week.
For Home Games wear White and Away Games wear Red.
Please be at the field and ready to warm up at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each game.
For Home Games wear White and Away Games wear Red.
Please be at the field and ready to warm up at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each game.
4/20/2013 | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Game | Time | Home Team | Away Team | Location | ![]() | ||||||
Bracket A | |||||||||||
#206 | 9:15 AM | FC BELLBROOK EAGLES '99 (OS) | KINGS WIEFERING (KY) | Miami WW #8 | |||||||
#211 | 2:55 PM | KINGS WIEFERING (KY) | UNITED 1996 FC PREMIER 2000 GIRLS (KY) | Miami WW #8 | |||||||
4/21/2013 | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Game | Time | Home Team | Away Team | Location | ![]() | ||||||
Bracket A | |||||||||||
Game | Time | Home Team | Away Team | Location | ![]() | ||
#212 Playoffs Consolation | 1:30 PM | Bracket A #3 | Bracket B #3 | Miami WW #15 | |||
#213 Playoffs Third Place | 1:30 PM | Bracket A #2 | Bracket B #2 | Miami WW #14 | |||
#214 Playoffs Final | 2:55 PM | Bracket A #1 | Bracket B #1 | Miami WW #8 |
Miami Whitewater
8515 Hamilton-Cleves Road, Cleves, OH 45002
Take I-275 west to I-74 West to St. Rt. 128 Miamitown Exit. Go North on St. Rt. 128 for 1.5 miles. Soccer fields will be on the right.
Special Field Notes:
- No glass bottles or animals are allowed
- Bring chairs
- All Grass Fields 4 - 6v6’s, 5 – 8v8’s, 5 – 11v11
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Hello Girls,
At practice Monday night we will most likely try this drill.
Please watch closely how the 2 side peole moves to get the pass and then quickly pass to feet.
See you there,
Coach Eric
At practice Monday night we will most likely try this drill.
Please watch closely how the 2 side peole moves to get the pass and then quickly pass to feet.
See you there,
Coach Eric
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Thanks Eric and Gary (and Parents)
I just wanted to send very sincere "Thank You" to our two assistant coach's, Coach Eric and Coach Gary. It has been very nice to enjoy a vacation with my family, and know that the girls at home are still getting great training, and the coach's are taking the training and running with it. I have had no input on the training while I'm out, but have full confidence I don't need to get involved. I've been reading their emails to you guys and to each other, and I know I've told you how lucky you guys are to have these coachs for your girls--but I am lucky to have them too. Thanks Eric for following my lead with the video's and the emails to keep the parents and kids up to date on the training, practice notes, etc. I think it's good for them to actually not have me there and to hear a new voice every once in a while. Thanks Eric and Gary!
Parents, I want to thank you also.
I know that our training can seem like the necessary evil... What I mean by that is I know we all have 50 million other things going on with other activities, other children, etc. So I know we are all running around like crazy; but at the same time I know we all want our kids to get "Elite training", 2-3 days per week (I have four kids myself). I know many of us think, especially when the practice days come, that we wish it could be canceled or to allow your daughter to skip--but looking at the bigger picture, we want them to have the best training. Thanks for your support and commitment as parents--and the same to the girls. And thanks how much you work to arrange your schedules to get your girls to the training/practices.
It's been sort of a funny observation I've had with my 4 girls. When my Maria has a practice, we don't even think of her skipping--not even an option unless sick or out of town. We pay a lot of money (way too much) for her to play on their Elite team, so we constantly think that if she misses, that we are wasting our money (and trust me, if there was a good select team her age that I knew of, she'd be on it, but there isn't). Anyway, with my other three, who all play on Select teams, since the money factor doesn't come in, we tend to not put the importance factor on their trainings like we do for Maria. This is not only not fair to my other three, but I got very lucky in knowing that the other three are getting just as good (or better) training as Maria gets (Madalyn's coach's actually just hired a trainer!). Just an observation I wanted to share since I know if I'm feeling this way, many of you are probably too! I've shared this with Heidi in a great attempt to make sure those three get to their trainings on a very consistent basis.
We as coach's do our very best to make their training fun by adding new activities, adding in the "video portions" ect. But, I can promise, they all aren't all going to be "fun". Training will be challenging, and sometimes that challenge may not be exactly "fun"! Please continue to support us in keeping your daughter involved and showing them the posts and videos, and most importantly getting them to the trainings! Thanks, and for those that are going out of town for spring break, or have activities scheduled for Spring Break, please enjoy!
Parents, I want to thank you also.
I know that our training can seem like the necessary evil... What I mean by that is I know we all have 50 million other things going on with other activities, other children, etc. So I know we are all running around like crazy; but at the same time I know we all want our kids to get "Elite training", 2-3 days per week (I have four kids myself). I know many of us think, especially when the practice days come, that we wish it could be canceled or to allow your daughter to skip--but looking at the bigger picture, we want them to have the best training. Thanks for your support and commitment as parents--and the same to the girls. And thanks how much you work to arrange your schedules to get your girls to the training/practices.
It's been sort of a funny observation I've had with my 4 girls. When my Maria has a practice, we don't even think of her skipping--not even an option unless sick or out of town. We pay a lot of money (way too much) for her to play on their Elite team, so we constantly think that if she misses, that we are wasting our money (and trust me, if there was a good select team her age that I knew of, she'd be on it, but there isn't). Anyway, with my other three, who all play on Select teams, since the money factor doesn't come in, we tend to not put the importance factor on their trainings like we do for Maria. This is not only not fair to my other three, but I got very lucky in knowing that the other three are getting just as good (or better) training as Maria gets (Madalyn's coach's actually just hired a trainer!). Just an observation I wanted to share since I know if I'm feeling this way, many of you are probably too! I've shared this with Heidi in a great attempt to make sure those three get to their trainings on a very consistent basis.
We as coach's do our very best to make their training fun by adding new activities, adding in the "video portions" ect. But, I can promise, they all aren't all going to be "fun". Training will be challenging, and sometimes that challenge may not be exactly "fun"! Please continue to support us in keeping your daughter involved and showing them the posts and videos, and most importantly getting them to the trainings! Thanks, and for those that are going out of town for spring break, or have activities scheduled for Spring Break, please enjoy!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Thursday Practice
Hello Girls,
Good practice tonight, we focused on some basic but critical skills. As I mentioned about some new S4 skill maybe you have not seen before please look at the SOCCER LINKS link at the right and click "Training Video Playlist" there you will see playlists for Posession, S4 and 1st Touch. There are many good videos worth watching, but for next practice please look at the video #8 and #10 in the S4 playlist ( Please study one of the moves out of these 2 videos and demonstrate it. We will use a couple of these for warm-up on Thursday.
Most the skills we worked on tonight you can practice at home on your own also. Next practice we will talk and try a little juggling too. The goal is to get a minimum of 20 touches without dropping the ball just using your feet. I think some of you are there but maybe not all of us.
See you Thursday,
Coach Eric
Good practice tonight, we focused on some basic but critical skills. As I mentioned about some new S4 skill maybe you have not seen before please look at the SOCCER LINKS link at the right and click "Training Video Playlist" there you will see playlists for Posession, S4 and 1st Touch. There are many good videos worth watching, but for next practice please look at the video #8 and #10 in the S4 playlist ( Please study one of the moves out of these 2 videos and demonstrate it. We will use a couple of these for warm-up on Thursday.
Most the skills we worked on tonight you can practice at home on your own also. Next practice we will talk and try a little juggling too. The goal is to get a minimum of 20 touches without dropping the ball just using your feet. I think some of you are there but maybe not all of us.
See you Thursday,
Coach Eric
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